What’s With the God-Centered Immigrants?

Human beings are nomadic since ancient times. This is also self-evident in modern times where people look for greener pastures and pursue their dreams and hopes.

But there are immigrants who were not disposed of by wars, poverties, and lack of opportunities. One of these is the God-centered immigrants who were called by God to fulfill His purposes.

A classic example was Abram, the father of those faithful generations.

1. Listen tothe Call to Go.

It was not some other voices of needs but the Lord called Abram. “Go from your country, your people and your father’s household to the land I will show you.”

God has a great vision for the man and his family. Settled in the city of Ur, the man is actually “made.” He is successful already in his own right with a wonderful family, acquired possessions, wide influence, etc.

But God’s definition of success is different. It’s about trusting and obeying Him wherever He calls.

God calls and leads the man and his family, as such, Abram chose to listen and trust.

2. Learn the Covenant of a Relationship.

God’s relationship with His called servants is not transactional. It’s covenantal, where God is the major player. He said, “I will make you into a great nation, and I will bless you.”

Furthermore, God promised, “I will make your name great, and you will be a blessing. I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse; and all peoples on earth will be blessed through you.”

A relationship works well when both parties understand the pledge made.

Almost all working relationships with God is based upon a covenant. Each must undertake their responsibilities to make it a success.

It’s not the greener opportunity that matters most but the promised blessings of the Blesser.

For where God’s benevolent blessings are, blessings overflow.

3. Lead inthe Commitment to Follow.

Moving out is not easy. It basically means leaving behind families, close friends, and other people you care about.

Migration takes risks. But immigrants are basically risk takers, no matter how calculated it is.

And yet, Abram led his family and household. He went in obedience to the Lord. He took all his accumulated possessions and set out for the Promised land in Canaan to start all over again.

The truth is, risk-taking is not a gamble when you know God calls you to follow. In fact, there is a higher risk if one chooses not to follow for when God goes, there His blessings go.

4. Look for a Symbolic Commemoration. 

Abram and his family traveled and arrived at their destination. They were strangers in the land.

Who thought anybody would love them to be there? Perhaps like most immigrants, perhaps a few or no one. But God “appeared” to Abram. He said, “To your offspring I will give this land.”

Interestingly enough, the first thing Abram did was this. “He built an altar there to the Lord, who had appeared to him.” He not only worshiped the Lord but made an altar as a sacred remembrance.

Making an “altar” can be very special as a strong reminder of God’s dealing. Having a tangible representation or creative tokens of God’s leading are markers of special events in this journey of life.

5. Live On. 

When Abram and his household arrived at the new country that would become their new home, he looked for the best place he could settle in with due consideration of his family’s safety, security, and success.

Abram chose an elevated ground near Bethel (meaning “house of God”). There he pitched his tent. Once again, Abram “built an altar to the Lord and called on the name of the Lord.”

It seems that Abram is in the habit of putting trails of memories where he is reminded that God led him in every way.

As an immigrant, it is a deep reminder that we are spiritual sojourners in this world. This world is not our permanent place. Every one of us is or will be migrants in one way or another.

How about you, are you settled in or setting out? Are you doing it because of your personal conviction or God’s vision?

If there’s one thing that separates a God-centered immigrant is this: they are sent to be a blessing, not a burden.

Glenn Plastina (c) 2017

Jesus Means Christmas to Me: The Christmas Future I

Therefore God has highly exalted him and bestowed on him the name that is above every name, so that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.” (Phil 2:9-11 ESV)

The major concern on Christmas season is this. Most Christians around the world tend to see Jesus as a baby born in a manger and not as the One coming “in the likeness of men.

The truth is that the Christmas future is no longer about the baby, but the second coming of Jesus Christ our Savior and Lord.

I firmly believe that what happened in the past is a guarantee of the certainty of the future. I understand if some us would find this too optimistic, especially in the light of what’s going around us today.

The point is: If God was able to fulfill His promises in the past, He is able to fulfill the coming of the Christmas future.

In the light of the biblical prophecies in the past and the recent events in Israel at present, the clues for the future are showing that the coming of the Lord is near.

So let’s take a look. What does this song tell us about the Christmas future? And what can we do about it today?


This ancient hymn has a very deep theology about Jesus Christ. Even today, Christian theologians continue to comprehend and understand its beauty and depth. In fact, so many books have been written about it through the centuries.

The text quoted above is a part of an early hymn of the Christian church. We can also call this “the Christmas song” in the Bible that summarizes the Christmas past, present, and future.

The verses show us the past when Jesus was “beingborn in the likeness of men” came into this world, present in “being found in human form,” as well as future when everyone will declare Jesus as “Lord.”

This one thing is certain. Jesus was exalted—once and for all the world to see.

Prophets prophesized and angels in heaven sang of His birth. Imagine how the angels would have reacted when they saw the Son of God who was born in a smelly manger.

And yet, God’s Son came in such a lowly place. As Ptr. Jerry Lepasana puts it. “He was willing to take the lowest level in order to bring us to the highest level of blessings.”

In the context, the hymn-text captured the unique nature of Jesus Christ and His deep humility, “who, though he was in the form of God, did not count equality with God a thing to be grasped, but emptied himself, by taking the form of a servant, being born in the likeness of men” (vv.6-7).

This means Jesus is divine. But even though He is coequal with God, He voluntarily surrendered his divine attributes and glory to become human at the first Christmas. He did not consider it as a threat to His nature as God or as something inferior to the Father. He also emptied Himself of the position of being seated in equal with God.

The first Christmas did not make Jesus less than God. In fact, it showed the true nature of the God of the Bible.

Further, it says, “And being found in human form, he humbled himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross.” So, even though Jesus is co-equal with God the Father (as well as the Holy Spirit), He humbled Himself. For this, the Father exalted Him up.

The truth is Jesus was born to die and the One who was hanged at the cross was God crucified.

The apostle Paul exclaims, “Therefore God has highly exalted him” (v.9a). It literally means, the Father has “super exalted” Jesus—not because He is lower than God the Father or the Holy Spirit, but Jesus was elevated to where He was positioned originally—at the right hand of God’s throne.

The biggest challenge of our generation is that many people tend to grab and hold on to the highest levels of position in life and career without recognizing the need for humility.

People want the altitude of highest success but not the attitude for humble service.

There is only one problem. There is no amount of success that can sustain significant success without humility.

This Christmas is a great reminder that the Christlike mindset and attitude is totally opposite to what the world worships today. In a culture that idolizes the narcissistic, ego-centered, and selfish attitude, humility is perceived as weakness.

But in the eyes of God, humility is a strength. The ability to control your pride is much better than the greed for power and position.

Remember this. Mature Christians do not need positions in order to serve God.

The most dangerous people in the ministry are those who want to position themselves without understanding the true nature of servant leadership in the ministry.

But God wants to position those He foreknew who should be serving.

Those who want to lead for the Lord must learn how to serve and make sacrifices first. For without the cross, there is no crown.

That’s the reason why Paul instructed early Christians of Philippi. “Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves. Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others. Have this mind among yourselves, which is yours in Christ Jesus” (vv.3-5).

When someone claims to grab any positions without consideration of God’s process in molding the attitude, even if the person would get them, soon it will show that the person is not the right fit for the work and leadership.

How much more if they don’t get the position! The natural reaction will only prove whether the person is Christlike or not.

If you want God to exalt you in due season, embrace humility. Jesus did it. So are we.

Glenn Plastina (c) 2017

(To be continued 1 of 3)

Next —- II. The Established Lordship of Christ

Forward —- III. The Enduring Glory of God

Why Is the Missing Second Commandment Essential?

In the US Constitution, the 2nd Amendment matters. But for the 10 Commandments, the 2nd command matters much.

In Exodus 20, God says, “You shall not make for yourself a carved image.

Here’s what you can do.

1. Observe the Second Command.

It’s not a suggestion but a prohibition. It’s a divine mandate that demands obedience.

You shall not make for yourself a carved image, or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth.

Obviously, it means “do not make idols.” Period. Such idols (Hebrew pe.sel) are objects of worship, love, affection or offering.

Repeatedly, making idols were forbidden in the whole Bible. Such “likeness” indicates form, image, representation, or semblance. However, these carved images are not referring to temple object or household figurines for arts and decorations.

Of the 30 references of “idol” in the Old Testament, the “carved image” is first mentioned here. This is where we get the word “idolatry” or extreme admiration or reverence for someone or something.

2. Obey the Giver of the Command.

Many would say, “We don’t actually worship the image, we just respect it, like we respect our father, mother or loved ones.”

Have you begin to observe that there are offered prayers involved and not just love, affection, and respect?

But God’s commands in making or having carved images for reverence or worship are evidently prohibited. The second commandment goes, “You shall not bow down to them or serve them, for I the Lord your God am a jealous God.”

Why would God prohibit the act of bowing or paying service of homage to carved images?

It’s because God’s nature forbids it. He is a jealous God. So whether these carved images represent someone other than God, be it a revered person or any objects, God feels suspicious.

3. Obtain theExact Results.

Arguing the thin difference between respect and reverence regarding carved images is like a tightrope walk for an ordinary person. But even if one would succeed in walking across the game, the risk is given.

Disobedience to the second commandment is still spiritually catastrophic. Due to idolatry, God clearly warns of “visiting the iniquity of the fathers on the children to the third and the fourth generation of those who hate me, but showing steadfast love to thousands of those who love me and keep my commandments.”

Elsewhere in Deuteronomy, there is a spiritual curse for idolatry. God made the solemn utterance to inflict harm and punish, not just “the sins of the fathers” but of the children and great grandchildren.

Ignorance of this law is not an exemption. As such, the consequences and curses are trans-generational.

Have you noticed that idolatrous nations suffered serious consequences for thier collective actions?

But for our obedience to the second Commandment, there are blessings. God also invokes His commitment to bless and express his unwavering love to those who obey—from the parents and from one generation to another.

Have you ever thought of the results of your obedience to your posterities?

Until now, I believe, God asks this question, “O Ephraim [or Israel], what have I to do with idols?

And for the church, “What agreement has the temple of God with idols?

The answer is now upon you.

As for me, the answer is straight—nothing.

Glenn Plastina © 2017

What Would Happen When Atheism Meets God?

Richard Dawkins, the arrogant and prominent atheist author of The God Delusion, made his piercing point against the God of the Old Testament (although he was very careful to avoid in reference to Islam’s Allah–which was basically taken from the OT–or else his arrogance will find his head in the bin).

Ben Stein asked him in the documentary Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed. What if after Dawkins dies, he would meet God, and what would he do? He mellowed down but still prideful (a common trait of atheists). He answered and blamed God for hiding Himself.

I’m reminded of God’s final answers to Job, who also experienced doubt when He said. “Who is this that obscures my plans with words without knowledge? Brace yourself like a man; I will question you, and you shall answer me.”

As a Christian, parent, guardian, or individual going to college, here are some practical ways you can respond to the challenges of secularized education and the world hostile to Christian view of God.

1. Establish Your Faith Foundation.

Don’t let secularized education, even a socialist government, lay down the foundation for you. As parents, it is your God-given right and role to help your children begin with a strong foundation in their Christian Faith, in view of God, the world, humanity, and Jesus Christ.

As a Christian, you have the inalienable right to believe in God and the truth.

If secular science claims to be the truth regarding the millions years past, how would atheists and the scientific world answer the God of truth when they meet Him?

Where were you when I laid the earth’s foundation?” God said, “Tell me, if you understand. Who marked off its dimensions? Surely you know! Who stretched a measuring line across it?

If secular science is really based on observation–not biased speculations–why so arrogant in imposing a one-sided worldview regarding the first cause and how the world begun?

No wonder, if the world wants you to live away from God, destroying that foundation is a major business. Likewise, if America’s Christian foundation would be destroyed, the obvious result of its structure will soon take place. It will implode just like those nations that abandoned belief in God.

2. Engage in Dialogue–If Ever There Is.

The pressure for Christian college students are portrayed in the movies God’s Not Dead. And it’s alarming. I highly advice young people to watch it, as well as Ben Stein’s Expelled, the award-wining documentary 180, and others.

Many researches show the correlation between education and the exodus of students from their faith in God. Belief in the Theory of the Big Bang and Evolution–theories presented as truths–created more damage in the young minds of children and youths leading them to abandon their faith and live meaningless lives in the whims of atheists and progressive perversities.

There’s a major problem according to Ben Stein. Serious reflection and thinking is not allowed in most mainstream schools. In fact, a student is being graded not on how you challenge contemporary thoughts, but on how one agrees with the secularized and “enlightened” teacher. It’s often a one-sided monologue.

But in the midst of manifold questions about God, He desires genuine dialogue. We might have many questions of God now, but someday, “I will question you, and you shall answer me.” And so should we.

Christians should engage in mutual dialogue, even healthy debate. But knowing that God’s infinite wisdom and humanity’s limited knowledge are in huge contrast, humility is essential in this conversation.

3. Envision the Inevitable Future Results.

Atheists and secular scientists are adamant in insisting their views of the world to all. Like fanatic cults, they would demolish anyone who would oppose such agenda. And this social engineering approach is very successful in the West.

It is likely that the abolition of all religious schools are on the way too. It can be prolonged, but it could happen anytime.

What Dawkins’ predecessors and his ilk denied is that the creation declares the glory of God and replaced it with their high-sounding theories and science. Of course, when doctors and experts say something in chorus, who would oppose? That’s what scientists during Hitlers era did, right?

In fact, if you’re a brilliant scientist and you just mention ID–Intelligent Design in your research, you could be expelled regardless if you’re non-Christian or coming from Ivy League academic institutions. You could lose your job, tenure, funding, and all hell breaks lose.

The problem is this. There is the stronghold of embedded indifference to God and Intelligent Design within left-wing aligned academe, media, supreme courts, and governments. Although lobbyists and politics are very keen on this–for anyone who would claim to be an atheist commits a political suicide–there is still evident connivance.

But if atheists and progressives combined succeed in brainwashing the world towards this worldview, brace yourself. Aborting millions of babies in the West–a major product of atheism of which mainstream media is still silent–was legalized. Eugenics, the experimentation to improve the human race on the sovereign name of science, was used by Nazis. It could happen again in an apocalyptic scale.

What could stop atheism from killing inferior races and useless eaters in the near future?

Anything is permissible under the sun when atheism prevails–no morals, no ethics, no absolute laws, no meaning, no sense of good and evil. In fact, even killing atheists would be morally acceptable and relative, if there are no absolutes.

Parents, be careful how the world educates the young minds of your children. Engage them in healthy conversations at home. Prepare their minds for the hostility of the world against their beliefs in God.

Help yourself understand the works of great apologists. Read the books of Alister McGrath, Ravi Zacharias, Dinesh D’Souza, and others regarding atheism.

If your legal rights are violated, take the due process and fight for your faith. And if necessary, suffer for your faith. That’s what early Christians actually realized when Jesus called them to carry the cross. Taking the convenient way could have serious consequences upon you family and faith.

Oh, by the way, if there’s no God, Dawkins and his minions do not have to worry. But when Dawkins meet God, whose deluded?

Glenn Plastina (c) 2017

What Are the Roles of Wisdom at Home? 

Most families I know value education. But how many put value on wisdom, that I don’t know.

A very few, however, I saw that I could say a wisdom-driven family.

An ancient proverbs says, “By wisdom a house is built, and through understanding it is established; through knowledge its rooms are filled with rare and beautiful treasures.

1. Build Your Home with Wisdom.

I grew up seeing my late father built several houses, hotels, and other projects. In fact, I’ve voluntary worked part-time in some of those constructions as a kid during summer or weekends.

I somehow saw the need to have certain knowledge in building houses. Indeed, “By wisdom a house is built.”

In building a house, knowledge and skills are needed, but there is a greater need in building a home.

Building people’s lives demands persistent effort. But unlike a house construction that lasts for several months, building the lives of family members, especially children, takes a lifetime.

As such, wisdom is essential in building a godly home.

Every parent must be aware that while it is good to teach your children to be successful, you must be concerned about their godliness.

2. Base Your Foundation Upon Wisdom.

Imagine constructing your home without solid foundation. What would happen when the storms of life would come?

As buildings cannot stand without strong foundations, so are homes without wisdom.

Regardless how the world and polotical correctness try to destroy the traditional foundations of marriage and family, wisdom is still building better homes “and through understanding it is established.”

It is very sad when parents do not value the deeper “understanding” of wisdom in the home. Many families often give more time to other things, except God’s Word that gives spiritual wisdom.

If families take more time in knowing the latest trends and culture, absorbing all kinds of knowledge and information that the world could offer, and yet, neglecting the understanding of God and the truth, what kind of foundation are they building?

Can families really establish strong faith and values without God’s wisdom?

It’s quite a high risk to take and a price to pay.

3. Bring In the Results of Wisdom.

Many parents prefer knowledge over success. They love teaching their offspring to get education, work hard for others to build their dreams, and have a good life.

On the other hand, some parents personally choose success over knowledge for their children. They train them to get practical understanding, work smart (not just hard), and hire those who have knowledge to do the job.

Between the two, it is quite obvious who becomes more successful, financially free, and richer in life.

But what would happen if you choose both wisdom and success, not just for your children and family, but also for yourself?

Whether parents like this or not, the reality is this. The person’s education is not a guarantee for success.

In fact, many research show there is no correlation between one’s eduction and success in life.

While highly educated persons do have high paying jobs, the most successful and wealthier people generally possess practical knowledge (also known as applied knowledge).

Spiritual wisdom is much better as both knowledge and success go together. They are not necessarily enemies.

The truth is that “through knowledge its [the house] rooms are filled with rare and beautiful treasures.”

Isn’t it interesting that we could actually learn the wisdom of success from our highly successful friends?

Glenn Plastina (c) 2017

What Drives Your Relocation?

Have you experienced the suspense and stress of relocation?

Moving from one place to another is not easy. I’ve seen it with my own family–packing the most important things we could bring, giving away what we could not keep, and doing sacrificial sales on some furniture.

But what saddens me the most is for my wife and kids leaving behind our friends–even our family dog.

There are times in our lives we have to make major moves. I’ve learned this, not just in my life but also, from God’s Word.

1. Lead Your Family to a Better Life. 

In the book of Chronicles, a tribe in Israel, namely the descendants of Simeon, decided to make a major move. But such initiative was a consensus of a leadership decision.

The Bible says, “The men listed…by name were leaders of their clans. Their families increased greatly.” 

These leaders are foremost individuals with families. They are husbands and fathers or parents, not just workers. They protect, provide, and preserve the total well-being of their family.

The leader’s ability to journey in the service of God while supporting the family is a challenge. For when the need and desires of the family increase, the demands grow bigger.

It is essential for a leader to both serve well and support the family without unfair compromises.

2. Look for the Best Location to Settle. 

Generally, people are nomadic. In fact, the place where you are settled now became your location because you or your loved ones decided for some reasons to relocate from somewhere else.

Likewise, the leaders of Simeon’s tribe saw where they are going. The Bible says, “and they went to the outskirts of Gedor to the east of the valley in search of pasture for their flocks.”

The tribal Israelites look for greener pastures since they are nomadic shepherds. If they will not look for good pasture lands, their flock would starve and die. Such irresponsibility would be a danger and disaster for their families.

If their livelihood is not good, their families would suffer. They have to find the best location in order to settle their families and works.

Likewise, we need to consider the place where we are going for the sake of our family and faith to maximize our potentials in honoring God through our choices of living.

3. Live in Peace and Progress. 

The act of going to another place and, most likely, another culture, is a challenge and major adjustment. Even the most experienced nomads could not deny the imposing risks, threats, and dangers. But it is also undeniable that the rewards for making the move are there.

Since ancient times, people know that where there is risk, there is reward.

Even the Semionites received theirs. “They found rich, good pasture, and the land was spacious, peaceful and quiet.

Looking for greener pastures is basically the most sensible way for ancient people to live with. It is safe to assume that the same is true for today’s people too. That’s why people move from one place or work to another.

But the most important thing is not the prospect of prosperity but the potential for peace and progress–to grow in every area of your life. It is where your choices, character, core-values, and competence will lead you to a better future.

Now, if God asks you to move, will you move?

If He will send you to go, will you go?

Glenn Plastina (c) 2017

What to Do When It’s Time to Go?

Wherever I go across the world, I see lots of Filipinos and I love listening to their stories, struggles, and successes.

I understand well the experience of going out of my hometown as a teenager to follow God’s call elsewhere. It’s not because of my personal ambition but because of the vision to serve God all my life.

Recently, another call came in: to go to another country with my family and serve in the ministry. Here’s what I learn that might benefit you.

1. Take God’s Mandate.

Human beings are basically nomadic by nature (not to mention this world is only a temporary place for you). That’s how humanity spread in this world. People migrate to different places due to some call of need, work, duty, opportunity, and other reasons.

In Genesis, we also see an early record of families migrating to another country. “The Lord had said to Abram, ‘Go from your country, your people and your father’s household to the land I will show you.'”

God commanded; It must be obeyed. Your going must have the compelling reasons. God’s imperative is not a suggestion. It’s a mandate to be obeyed.

God commanded; Abram obeyed. He followed, not because it is the need but because it is the right thing to do. Go where God leads you.

If you want a successful journey in life, here’s a principle: Know why you go, where to go, and what to do.

2. Trust God’s Promises.

I know how important it is to hold on to God’s promises before and after going somewhere.

God never leads anyone without His promises.

God’s promises to Abram were very clear. God said, “I will make you into a great nation, and I will bless you; I will make your name great, and you will be a blessing.”

God’s promise of blessings overflows. “I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse; and all peoples on earth will be blessed through you.”

The truth is, God will never lead you to where His blessings do not go. When God beckons, he blesses. You simply have to trust and go.

3. Travel With God’s Presence. 

The Bible says, “So Abram went, as the Lord had told him.” It was a decisive act, knowing that God is with him all the way. He took the step–not that Abram is oblivious of what’s going on but–because God is with him and his family every step of the way.

Abram traveled to the Promised Land, bringing his family and some things that matter to them. Along the way, God reaffirmed to Abram His leading and provisions.

And Abram’s family wouldn’t want to forget the blessing of journeying with God by faith. So Abram “built an altar…to the Lord” to worship Him for who He is, honor Him for what He promised, and remember what God has done.

The truth is, God loves to bless those He sent to be a blessing to those He wants to be blessed.

It’s not about the land, it’s about the leading, not about the prospect but the people to serve with. No wonder, the Great Commission calls the same: to “go and make disciples” of–not few or some but–all nations.

Are you available for God’s call?

Will you take the journey when God beckons you to go?

Glenn Plastina (c) 2017

Why Godly Parents Should Teach Their Children About Sex?

This is my warning–and I’m not excluded. If parents won’t teach their children about God’s design for sex, they will get it from the wrong people at the wrong places. 

A recent stir alarmed non-religious parents and disgusted the Christian community. Teen Vogue, a magazine with a niche audience of 11 to 17 years of age are teaching anal sex. It even provided a graphic guide, glorifying anal sex without telling its dangers.

1. Wake Up, Parents! 

If you’re a responsible, especially a Christian, parent, you’ve got to wake up. We are now living in the last days where sexual perversity escalates and even glorified amorality. 

There is nowhere in time where immorality and so-called sexual freedom is celebrated and admired without inhibition. 

When the nihilistic Playboy philosophy prevailed in winning the culture war, all hell broke lose. The media worshiped it, politics legalized it, and business profited unaccounted billions from it. Sex sells, indeed.

Even many churches are plagued with sexual scandals. Schools are intentionally targeted for sexual reorientation and experimentation that are blatantly dismissing the intention of God for sex. 

Sex education at schools are humanistic without moral foundation and compass. Condoms are openly given for teens to explore their sexuality and not wait for marriage. If it feels good, do it–without thinking of the ramifications. 

Wake up! “The body, however, is not meant for sexual immorality but for the Lord, and the Lord for the body.”

2. Watch Out Or Be Swallowed.

The progressive social engineering in education is often based on humanistic philosophies, bad science, and biased medical studies. It is often designed to abhor the idea of God as a moral giver and steer away the person from His divine purpose.

As Paul aptly–and prophetically–described, “Although they claimed to be wise, they became fools…Therefore God gave them over in the sinful desires of their hearts to sexual impurity for the degrading of their bodies with one another. They exchanged the truth about God for a lie.” 

Parents, are you aware about this? If not, you will be swallowed by the furious tide of times. Of course, the Christian world cannot expect anything good from this intentional perversion and destruction of young lives. It will even get uglier.

Understand what Apostle Paul further emphasized. “Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural sexual relations for unnatural ones. In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed shameful acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their error.”

Take a close look around. Are these realities alive and more blatant today?

3. Warn Yourselves.

I’ve seen young people who worked in call centers and became “liberated” toward sexual freedom and left churches. Interestingly, it is evident that STDs and AIDS are on the rise on those workplaces. In my resident city, data shows teenage pregnancy is all time high.

Have you observed that atheistic media and secularized education hate the idea of God? It’s because it inhibits the perverted ideas of human lust even if it is committed to young lives like children and teens. Such acts of sodomy will soon be forgotten as merely a conservative norm. 

Even if there are medical consequences to such sexual deviant practice, it is simply covered up and denied. But God’s point of view stands.

As such, parents should be warned. Teaching our children about the biblical truth on sex and other related topics is part of our sacred parental duties. 

If parents fail to educate their children about the biblical sex, they’ll be able to get pornographic materials on magazine stands, department stores, and the ever-available Internet. 

The Rev. Franklin Graham cautioned parents regardless of religious affiliations, “Warn them against what the socialist progressives want to push on the innocents. This issue of Teen Vogue tells them the lie that, ‘There is no wrong way to experience sexuality and no way is better than any other.’ Schools will not teach the truth, the media will not teach the truth—it’s up to you to raise your children in truth and knowledge.”

Do not be deceived,” the Apostle Paul warned about those deliberate practitioners, “Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor men who have sex with men…will inherit the kingdom of God.” 

The truth is this. No one who is truly a believer of Jesus Christ will continue to live in sin.

If you care for your family–and I’m pretty sure you do–teach your children on the biblical truth of sex and spirituality, empower your young people to love with purity, and commit to prepare for their marriage with sanctity. Read the book of Proverbs and you’ll soon find out the sacred duty of parents in teaching their kids about sex.

Moreover, teach them to be compassionate to those who are struggling with any forms of immorality and not be judgmental. Instead, as opportunities arise, be like Christ who encouraged the adulterous woman to “leave your life of sin.”

Glenn Plastina (c) 2017 

What My Two Fathers Taught Me About Life

Dads are not overrated.

This is not Robert Kiyosaki’s Rich Dad, Poor Dad summary. But I’m talking about my father below and Father above.

I’m reminded of an ancient letter to the Hebrews that said, “Moreover, we have all had human fathers who disciplined us and we respected them for it. How much more should we submit to the Father of spirits and live!

They disciplined us for a little while as they thought best; but God disciplines us for our good, in order that we may share in his holiness.

Here are the three major values among many that I learned from both of my human father and Divine Dad.

1. Have the Discipline for Life.

Yes, indeed, “we have all had human fathers” but every dad has his own idiosyncratic strengths and weaknesses in dealing with their own child.

Generally, fathers are symbols of maleness, authority, and strength in the family. But there are also fathers who are confused with their personality, without moral ascendancy, and weak.

My earliest memories of my late father were almost ideal. He worked so hard to make ends meet and put food on the table. Yet in all of this busyness, I inherited from him the most precious thing of all: quality time.

Of course, he is a father “who disciplined us” as his children. He did not spoil me. He is both tough on principles and tender in love. He raised me with godly authority and fatherly patience. No wonder, I love him above anyone else in the family.

2. Have a Deep Admiration for Fathers.

I’m not a father’s boy, but I’m the boy inside who loves his father dearly. I’m very grateful to be raised by the man I love.

As such, when I’m disciplined as a kid by my father, I do not have any resentment, anger, or any sense of rebellion.

Perhaps my two sisters could also say the same that “we respected [him] for it.”

In my countless pastoral counseling, I have observed that the earliest image of God among children and adults is that of their fathers. And this is true for me too.

While many children have absentee and abandoning fathers or have suffered at the hands of abusive dads, thereby struggled in picturing God as “father,” a child nurtured by a good-natured father like mine could easily respond to revere God.

How much more should we submit to the Father of spirits and live!

After living in my own folly for a while, the love of my father won me back to get right with my Father above. I still chose life, love, leadership, and laughter because of him.


For me, my late father, Eleuterio C. Plastina, Sr., is my early picture of God. It’s not that I worship him but he showed me who God is through his life of sacrificial love, compassion, integrity, and uprightness.

I respected my father for his deep faith in God. A very prayerful man, I have seen miracles when he prayed. The greatest miracles of which is when God changed my life when I was lost.

It was a loving father’s love and prayer that brought me back to God, my Father in heaven.

3. Have a Devoted Life for God.

I am who I am today because of my earthly father who is already with my Father above. I’m very grateful for God who chose my father to give me life, raise and nurture me as I am.

Who said only mothers know best? Well, both of my fathers did.

They [fathers, including my father] disciplined us for a little while as they thought best; but God disciplines us for our good, in order that we may share in his holiness.”

I’m blessed to have a father who embodied the love for God and compassion for people. My father was far from perfect, but his upright life is an earthly image that clearly defines who my Father is in heaven.

My father’s tender love and tough stand on godly principles remained in my life. He taught me as a child to love the stories from the Bible of which I shed rivers of tears as it spoke to my heart.

When I was wrong, my father corrected me. He forgave but I also have to learn to face the consequences of my actions.

No wonder, right after I was 16, I was able to stand on my own and became independent, left our house, and lived far away from home.

I believe, he did not worry whether his son would do the right thing or do things right because he did his best while he can. And I did not disappoint my father’s trust.

Now, my two fathers are together. I once told my earthy dad, “If ever you’ll go ahead of me…I’ll be there someday.”

But now, I know, you have the happiest Fathers Day ever for you are with our Father of eternity.

I love you, Pa. And I miss you very much.

Glenn Plastina (c) 2017

Why the World Needs Better Fathers? 

This generation is increasingly becoming a fatherless generation. 

Dads do make a difference. 

I take fatherhood seriously. For I know that if I miss this sacred opportunity, I’ll miss this for eternity. 

The truth is, the world needs few good fathers. 

Here’s how to become one. 

1. Be a Better Husband to Become a Better Father.

Apostle Paul himself emphasized this when he instructed Christian households. “Husbands, love your wives and do not be harsh with them…Fathers, do not embitter your children, or they will become discouraged.”

No one can become a better father without becoming a better husband. 

As such, Paul made it sure that for fathers to have an authentic authority and moral ascendancy to lead their children, fathers ought to love their wives.

Nothing is more discouraging or disorienting for a child than to see their dad neglecting their mom. 

If I want my children to see how much I love them, I have to show them how much I love their mom.

2. Bring Your Children to Christ to Become a Spiritual Father.

In another letter of Apostle Paul, he said, “Even if you had ten thousand guardians in Christ, you do not have many fathers, for in Christ Jesus I became your father through the gospel.

Likewise, the most important duty of a Christian father is to see to it that their children are in Christ Jesus.

Why is this so? Why not just entrust this role to pastors, teachers, and evangelists? It’s because no one knows your children better than you do. 

Fathers ought to lead each of his children to accept Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and Savior. 

If you care for the eternal destiny of your family, it is your sacred duty to ensure that everyone in your household has come to know and believe in Jesus. 

3. Build Up Your Children in the Lord.

Build or break, being a father is dead serious but it doesn’t mean one cannot have fun.

Fatherhood is one of the greatest roles on earth. It takes more than having a wife and a child. It means raising the whole family in all aspects of life.

Don’t conclude too quickly. Fathers are not perfect; only God our Father is perfect. That’s the reason why any father should get closer to God to become a better father. 

Have you noticed I did not say “perfect father”? And have you observed that perfectionist fathers are insanely insane? 

If you hate perfectionists in your workplace, the same is true on perfectionist fathers. They breed resentment, discouragement, and exasperation among many negative feelings.

Paul himself said, “Fathers, do not exasperate your children; instead, bring them up in the training and instruction of the Lord.”

I believe, the greatest role of a true father is to build his children in the ways of the Lord.

Fathers, since we only have one life–and it’s quite short–to live, isn’t it time to really become a better father? 

May you join me in this quest to become better fathers everyday for our families. Therefore, I get close with our Father above because apart from Him I can’t do anything.

Glenn Plastina © 2017